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Roles and function at digital signage 

The many different uses of digital signage allow a business to accomplish a variety of goals. Some of the most common applications include:

  • Public information – news, weather, traffic and local (location specific) information, such as building directory with a map, fire exits and traveler information.
  • Internal information – corporate messages, such as health & safety items, news and so forth.
  • Product information – pricing, photos, raw materials or ingredients, suggested applications and other product information – especially useful in food marketing where signage may include nutritional facts or suggested uses or recipes.
  • Information to enhance the customer service experience – interpretive signage in museums, galleries, zoos, parks and gardens, exhibitions, tourist and cultural attractions.
  • Advertising and Promotion – promoting products or services, may be related to the location of the sign or using the screen’s audience reach for general advertising.
  • Brand building – in-store digital sign to promote the brand and build a brand identity.
  • Influencing customer behavior – navigation, directing customers to different areas, increasing the “dwell time” on the store premises and a wide range of other uses in service of such influence.
  • Influencing product or brand decision-making – Signage at the point of sale designed to influence choice e.g. Signage to help shoppers to choose dresses inside a fashion store[4] or devices that on a computerized shopping trolley helping the customer locate products, check prices, access product information and manage shopping lists.
  • Enhancing customer experience – applications include the reduction of perceived wait time in the waiting areas of restaurants and other retail operations, bank queues, and similar circumstances, as well as demonstrations, such as those of recipes in food stores, among other examples.
  • Navigation – with interactive screens (in the floor, for example, as with “informational footsteps” found in some tourist attractions, museums and the like) or with other means of “dynamic wayfinding”.
  • Reservations – small, interactive screens on walls or desks that allow employees to reserve the space for a limited time and integrate with a room and resource scheduling platform.



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