LED video walls are comprised of Direct View LED displays (also called DV) that work together as a unit to display content as if it were a single screen. LED screens are incredibly efficient because each component is responsible for conducting and emitting its own light.
Segment displays
Some displays can show only digits or alphanumeric characters. They are called segment displays, because they are composed of several segments that switch on and off to give appearance of desired glyph. The segments are usually single LEDs or liquid crystals. They are mostly used in digital watches and pocket calculators. There are several types:
- Seven-segment display (most common, digits only)
- Fourteen-segment display
- Sixteen-segment display
- HD44780 LCD controller a widely accepted protocol for LCDs.
Underlying technologies of segment displays[edit]
- Incandescent filaments
- Vacuum fluorescent display
- Cold cathode gas discharge
- Light-emitting diode (LED)
- Liquid crystal display (LCD)
- Physical vane with electromagnetic activation
Applications of full-area 2-dimensional displays
Full-area 2-dimensional displays are used in, for example:
- Television set
- Computer monitors
- Head-mounted display
- Broadcast reference monitor
- Medical monitors